Monday, March 19, 2012

Japan - Getting ready

Imperial Palace, Tokyo

I leave in less than a week for Japan!! I just spoke with my friend Mike, who I am staying with on the trip, this morning. Mike has been teaching over there for almost a year now and I am going to be his first visitor from home. His school has a week and a half off for spring break, so he will have the entire time off to spend traveling with me. I will post a tentative schedule later on in the week to show you what our plans are. This morning he told me we should go to an onsen - for those of you unfamiliar with the term it is a hot springs/ bathing facility. The only thing is, is that you go nude! I may be an ultra conservative American, but I don't think I am ready for that...regardless of how beautiful and relaxing the place may be, haha. Anywho, here are some pictures for your to look at from my last trip to Japan.


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Other bits of Tokyo

Definitely getting my karaoke on this trip!

I think that is enough for now. I will have a TON of photos for when I get back. It is finally really setting in that this is happening. I am debating whether I should make a photo diary on here. Hmmm...

Most Wanted Mondays - Pop your collar

As many of you know I am a sucker for peterpan collars. However, I don't own any! *gasp. It is something I am working on changing, trust me. Here are some of my top picks for pretty collared items.

1. Sheinside - Yellow Slim Casual Empire Cotton Dress.

2. Sheinside - Slim lace collar cardigan Coat.

3. ModCloth - Steffy's Pros and Cons Dress.

4. ModCloth - Rally the Loops Dress.

5. ASOS - Nishe Chiffon Blouse with Bow Embroidery.

6. ASOS - Oasis Dress With Contrast Trim.

7. Nast Gal - Tied Crochet Dress - Crimson.

8. Nast Gal - High Rider Shirt.

9. Ruche - Seeing Spots Collar Blouse In Cream.

10. Ruche - Ashbury Crossing Top.

11. Sultry Affair - Peter Pan Layered Collar Necklace.

12. Sultry Affair - Peter Webbed Geometric Peter Pan Collar Necklace, Gold.

Thankfully, my birthday is in less than a month. Extensive wishlists have been created, haha. Joking. Sort of... Have a beautiful Monday everyone! Oh, also, I spoke with my friend Mike this morning who I am visiting in Japan and am beyond excited for the trip! I will have a post shortly showing you pieces of my last trip :]
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