Hello my lovelies! It sure has been silent on the blog since my birthday. I am currently working to fix this issue. I have had a lot going on in my life - a lot of ups and downs - and I finally feel like I am settling in to a groove. It only took over a year on my part. I have missed you all, but sometimes life just gets in the way and the world keeps spinning on.
I have spent the past month or so reflecting on what exactly I want to do with my life. I am turning a new leaf and finally making my goals and dreams a reality. I have let things slide and put stuff on the back burner for far too long. I am dedicating the last half of the year solely to me. That may sound selfish, but I have put others before myself for far too long and lost myself somewhere along the way. I need to find myself and am excited to share this new journey with you all. I started this blog when I graduated college in hopes of documenting what would come next, while that is still the goal - I am focusing on what makes me happy and not relying on others for that happiness. Sorry if I am rambling. I don't like to get too much in to my personal life, but I am excited to be at a crossroads of sorts. I am starting over, and that is a good place to be.
From here on out you can expect me to be present in the blogging community. I am excited to document this next chapter in my life because so much seems up in the air at the moment. One other exciting thing to announce - my vintage shop will finally open come August 1st - it has been way too long in the making.
I hope you all have been doing well, and I can't wait to catch up on what I have been missing.
See you soon!
- Allison