Another Thrifted Thursday here! Last week I showed off some taxidermy blowfish and told you I didn't pick them up because I already own one. Didn't believe me? Here he is...
I picked him up for 10 cents at my churches annual yard sale. He was just too cute to pass up. Unfortunately he has lost an eye over the years. I need to find him a replacement.
To add to my pyrex/bakeware collection I picked up these two gems. Ok, they aren't pyrex...but I love the cute little mushroom patterns.
My favorite thrifted items/ collection - my dachshund collection (Sweetpea included!)! I picked up the cute doxies smooching salt and pepper shakers a few weeks ago - too sweet. The dachshund holder was thrifted down at school a few years ago for my mothers birthday present. Aaaaaand my favorite thrift find (ok, so she was really adopted) EVER - Sweetpea <3. Without her I wouldn't have bothered collecting the rest. She is my little angel :]
Thrifted anything good lately? Have any fun plans for the weekend?
Have a beautiful day everyone!