Hi all. The busy week is over and I am glad that it is finally the weekend. I finished up designing the website for my client, now I am waiting to meet with him to discuss any adjustments. It is exciting that I will have my first website up and running for a local business very soon. Last weekend I also took some headshots for my brother and his girlfriend. They are both very talented musical theater majors. I can't wait to see them on broadway some day :] Here is the photo my brother chose.
I think it turned out well. I took their headshots last year too around the same time - which is crazy because January weather in Chicago is so cold. We took the photos outside for the natural light and froze our bums off. Thankfully we got them all in before the freezing rain began. I would post more from the shoot but my flickr account is warning me that I have almost used up my space for the month - whoops. Alrighty, I am just rambling now...
Here is a video for fun from my brother in high school - d'aww.
I wish he had more recent stuff up.