Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Holiday Thrifted Finds

As I told you all yesterday - I went a bit overboard this weekend with thrifting. Ha, oh well!! Everyone has their hobbies right? I couldn't pass up the spectacular half off deals on Monday. I also got my brother addicted to thrifting! He caught on fast. I am pretty sure he made it to all of my regular thrifting spots (there are a lot).

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I lucked out this weekend and found a lot of cute clothes with a lot of fun details. I am only slightly disappointed that some of the dresses will have to sit in the closet until next spring. Oh well. The best find - the $1.54 Marie Antoinette-ish dress. Guess who I am being for Halloween? Anyone else already planning out their costumes? I most definitely am.

Speaking of costumes...

My brother, mom, and I definitely woke up at the crack of dawn Monday morning to be one of the first few people in line to score the following...


A chicken suit! Complete with the claws, haha. (the photo looks totally off because our backyard grass is completely dead thanks to the draught). I had spotted the suit earlier in the week and knew that it would be half off on Monday. I am so glad we got their first thing because my brother and some woman went for it as soon and the doors opened. Haha, guess who won?

I also scored some more fun stuff for the kitchen. Another mushroom print bread pan, frying pan, and sunflower pyrex bowl.


Oh...and this adorable suitcase!


Quite the haul. I am done thrifting for awhile. I need to free up some space. Maybe open up shop? We will see! Have a good day everyone!!
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